Ear Surgery

Ear Surgery

Ear surgery is used to either change the shape of the ears, or alter their size or make them more symmetrical and more in harmony with a face.

Be it due to a birth defect or a traumatic experience, ear surgery helps make a face more symmetrical. It can also improve one’s ability to wear glasses or earrings more comfortably.

This procedure can be performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. The patient may prefer one or the other and the surgeon would advise which is best.

Otoplasty is a safe procedure, it rarely has any complications.


While swelling around the ears may last for about eight to seven days after surgery, the results are usually quite obvious right after the surgeon takes the dressings off.

Who can have this surgery?

Otoplasty can be done at any age after the ears have reached their full size — usually after age 5.

The patient should be Healthy, without a life-threatening illness or untreated chronic ear infections.

Consult closely with your trusted plastic surgeon, as he will best evaluate the proper timing for this procedure