psoriasis treatment
Description and Benefits
Psoriasis is a skin disorder that causes skin cells to multiply up to 10 times faster than normal. This makes the skin build up into bumpy red patches covered with white scales. They can grow anywhere, but most appear on the scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back.
At Crystal Care Clinic, Psoriasis patients of any age or skin type can receive a safe, effective, and tolerable treatment without the use of topical steroids or systemic medications. Our laser psoriasis treatment suppresses inflammation and coagulates the hyper vasculature feeding plaque growth with deep-penetrating energy. Unlike traditional therapies, our laser technology provides patients with a worry-free treatment since there is no risk of side effects. More importantly, this treatment won’t put the skin at any risk, as we are able to go over the area where the Psoriasis is, multiple times without damaging the surrounding healthy skin.

Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who can have this treatment?
Anyone who suffers from Psoriasis at any age will benefit from this treatment. During your initial consultation, you will be assessed by our Doctor who will discuss with you what level of Psoriasis you have, define the number of treatments needed, and monitor the progress of each and every treatment.
2. How many treatments will I need?
Individual results will vary but can depend on the body surface that is affected. While some patients may see relief in just one treatment, other patients may need a number of treatments to achieve their desired result.